Strength, Dedication & Experience
Tyack Law has earned a reputation for outstanding client advocacy. Our lawyers stand with our clients when they face daunting legal issues. Dedicated to resolving legal issues quickly and efficiently, our attorneys maintain a comprehensive approach to legal matters along with experienced attention to detail. Our broad perspective allows us to effectively serve our clients in multiple areas simultaneously which is especially beneficial when legal issues overlap.
Understanding Marijuana Legalization and Probable Cause in Ohio
Marijuana Law, Traffic
With the recent legalization of adult-use cannabis in Ohio, there are important implications for probable cause determinations in legal cases, particularly regarding warrantless vehicle searches.
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Domestic Violence
There are several different crimes in Ohio that relate to domestic violence. If you are charged with any of the offenses listed below, contact the experienced attorneys at the Tyack Law Firm.
Read More Hit Skip
Criminal Defense, Traffic
“Hit skip” or “hit and run” are commonly used terms for leaving the scene after being involved in a traffic collision. In Ohio, failing to stop after you’ve been involved in an accident is an offense that carries potential criminal punishment, as well as consequences to your driver’s license.
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