To be charged with an underage alcohol offense, you must order, pay for a share the cost of, attempt to buy, possess, or drink beer or liquor in either a public or private place. If you are supervised by a parent, a spouse who is not underage, or a legal guardian, or if the alcohol was given to you by a doctor or for religious purposes, then you may have a defense.
Call our experienced Tyack Law Columbus alcohol crime attorneys at (614) 221-1342 if you are facing an underage alcohol offense.
Underage Drinking Laws in Ohio
Underage drinking laws in Ohio prohibit anyone who is under 21 years of age from purchasing, possessing, or consuming alcohol. It is also illegal for anyone who is underage to be under the influence of alcohol in a public place.
Underage Drinking, Possession, or Consumption Consequences
An underage alcohol offense charge is a first-degree misdemeanor, punishable by up to 180 days in jail and a fine of up to $1,000. If this is your first offense, a judge may sentence you to probation or community control punishments instead. Once you successfully complete the program, the judge may permit you to have the offense expungement from your record.
If you are convicted of an underage alcohol offense, it could remain on your criminal background for the rest of your life. Therefore, it is critical that you contact our Columbus underage drinking attorneys for an effective resolution to your case.
Tyack Law Columbus Underage Alcohol Crimes Attorneys
If you are facing an underage drinking charge, our Columbus alcohol crimes attorneys will inspect your case and determine how to best defend your case.
First, our Columbus underage drinking lawyers will evaluate whether you are eligible for an alcohol diversion program. The prosecutor and Court will consider your previous criminal and traffic record to determine whether you qualify for this program. The alcohol diversion program is designed to help anyone who has been caught with underage drinking and possession to change their behavior through awareness, education, and community service. The program can be completed within five months from the date your case was filed in the Court. If you do get accepted into an alcohol diversion program and successfully complete it on time, your charge may be dismissed and records of your case can be expunged.
If the alcohol diversion program is not an option, or if you decide you do not want to participate in it, our Columbus alcohol crimes attorneys can help you plead Not Guilty to the underage alcohol charge and will defend against your underage drinking charge or underage alcohol possession charge through the court process.
Contact Tyack Law Firm Today
If you have been charged with an underage drinking charge, it is in your best interest to contact an experienced alcohol crime attorney at the Tyack Law Firm. Our Columbus alcohol crimes attorneys have years of experience fighting for the future of promising high school and college students for years.
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