Reckless endangerment is a serious charge, and people dealing with this charge in any way are often curious about what precisely reckless endangerment is and what the consequences are. This blog post will help you better understand how reckless endangerment works in Ohio and what to expect in reckless endangerment cases.
What Is Reckless Endangerment in Ohio?
Reckless endangerment is a criminal offense, and it occurs when someone has engaged in reckless behavior that has resulted in the harm or death of another person. While these cases can include instances when harm was intentional, it doesn’t matter if a person meant to harm another person or not; if they are acting recklessly in a way that could hurt another person, they are breaking the law. This can happen in a wide range of situations. For example, child abuse, car accidents from reckless driving, and workplace accidents can all stem from reckless endangerment.
Reckless endangerment is a criminal charge, and it can either be applied on its own or can be used in association with other charges. Because reckless endangerment doesn’t require intent, it has a different standard of proof required than many other criminal charges.
Defining Ohio Reckless Endangerment Laws
Reckless endangerment occurs when someone does something that differs from what can be reasonably expected of a person in a situation. Thus, if someone is hurt by actions that couldn’t predictably lead to severe consequences, that does not count as reckless endangerment. However, it is reckless endangerment when someone acts in ways that aren’t aligned with reasonable behavior. For example, a person who leads a loaded gun around children may be responsible for reckless endangerment. Additionally, if someone is throwing debris near a road, that is also an example of reckless endangerment.
Reckless endangerment cases are often related to car accidents and reckless driving behaviors, and those accidents are one of the most common types of reckless endangerment, and there are specific rules related to the operation of vehicles and what consequences will result in motor vehicle cases.
What are the Consequences of a Reckless Endangerment Charge in Ohio?
The consequences of a reckless endangerment charge can depend on the nature of the case and how it is classified. For example, in some cases, the charge will be a felony, while in others cases, it will only be a misdemeanor. In cases where firearms are used or when children are involved, the consequences are commonly worse, for instance.
Mostly, these charges are misdemeanors, and for first-time offenders, the consequences often do not result in jail time but have an associated fee. However, in some instances, jail time will occur. Community service can also be part of the consequences that people receive.
For motor vehicle-related reckless endangerment, the consequences can also include vehicle license suspension for six months up to three years. These offenses also can impact your car insurance rates.
There are also long-term consequences that can result in reckless endangerment cause. For example, this charge comes with a criminal record, so it may complicate your professional, personal, and social life.
Motor Vehicle Points
For motor vehicle charges in Ohio related to motor vehicles, there are also “point” associations related, so you get points on your license for certain offenses. When someone reaches twelve points within two years, they receive a six-month license suspension.
Six-point violations include:
- Vehicular Homicide
- Drunk Driving
- Street Racing
- Driving Under Suspension
- Failure to Stop and Disclose Identity at Accident
- Willful Fleeing and Eluding
Four-point violations include:
- Exceeding the speed limit by more than 30 MPH
- Underage consumption and using a vehicle
- Reckless operation
Two-point violations include:
- Operating a vehicle without a license
- Less extreme speeding violations
- Many other vehicle violations
Medical Issues Reckless Endangerment in Ohio
Someone may face various injuries and medical consequences as a result of reckless endangerment. Some serious issues a person may face include:
- Disfigurement or the loss of a limb
- Paralysis, back pain, and spinal injuries
- Lasting health issues and chronic pain
- Head injuries and traumatic brain injuries
- Broken bones and contusions
- Issues that result in death
When someone is injured because of another person’s reckless behavior, there can be immense consequences. The more serious the injuries, the more important it is for defendants to build a strong case for themselves.
When to get a Reckless Endangerment Lawyer in Columbus, Ohio?
If you have been involved in a reckless endangerment case, it helps to reach out to a lawyer. Some cases may be classified as a reckless endangerment cases when they more closely align with other offenses. Additionally, an attorney can help their clients piece together the events of the incident and get a clearer sense of how to build a defense and mitigate any potential consequences. When you have experienced reckless endangerment charges, it’s important to seek a skillful defense lawyer as soon as possible. Don’t wait to start building a strong case.
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